Viewing animals in heat

Animals with abnormal behaviour may be in heat.

Rosemary Stone avatar
Written by Rosemary Stone
Updated over a week ago

An animal may be identified as being in heat if there has been a change in her behaviour. If you have set up drafting for heat, animals in heat will appear in your draft list at the optimum time for insemination. Once the animal has been inseminated, this can be recorded in the animal's record.

There may be a difference in the number of animals in heat vs the number of animals in the draft list. An animal will only appear in the draft list if she has reached 40% heat threshold and is therefore within the 24 hr insemination window, so it will depend on where she is in her oestrus cycle and when the next draft time is.

Watch the video to learn:

  • How to view animals in heat

  • How the system identifies animals in heat

  • What the heat index is (above 40% = animals are in heat)

  • What the AI window is

  • When the optimal time to inseminate animals is

To view the list of animals in heat using the mobile app:

  1. On the Dashboard, tap Animals in heat.

  2. On the Animals in Heat screen, a list of all animals in heat will be displayed. View each animal's AI window details and Heat Intensity %. The higher the heat intensity percentage, the stronger the symptoms of heat.

  3. Tap on the Animal ID to see more details. Once the animal has been inseminated, tap + to add an insemination event to the animal's record.

To view the list of animals in heat using the web app:

  1. From the Home screen, click on Animals in Heat.

  2. On the Animals in Heat screen, a list of all animals in heat will be displayed. View each animal's AI window details and Heat Intensity %. The higher the heat intensity percentage, the stronger the symptoms of heat.

  3. Tap on the Animal ID to see more details. Once the animal has been inseminated, click on Inseminated to record this in the animal's record.

Note: If a pregnant animal appears in the list of animals in heat, she may have had a pregnancy loss. Check the Pregnancy report or view the animal record and check for a pregnancy loss event. If necessary, draft the animal and perform a pregnancy check.

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