π This topic is for all models except the Dairy WOW 4000. For the Dairy WOW 4000, click here.
A poor internet connection will slow down data the flow of data to Datamars Livestock. A lost connection will prevent data flow altogether.
To troubleshoot a Wi-Fi internet connection:
Position yourself next to the WOW system.
Go into your mobile phone settings and check that Wi-Fi is set to On.
From the list of available networks, select RemoteWOW and enter the password trutestRemoteWOW.
Open a browser (e.g. Google or Safari) and type into the address bar.
This will launch the Datamars WOW Configuration app:
5. Scroll down to Current Signal.
The Connection Type should display the Wi-Fi network.
The Adaptor Status should display Connected.
The Signal Strength should be between -20 and -70 dBm.
If the Connection Type is not displaying the Wi-Fi network, check that the Wi-Fi network has been configured correctly.
If the Adaptor Status is Not connected, check that the Wi-Fi antenna is plugged in correctly on the control unit:
If the Signal Strength is between -71 and -100 dBm, reposition the Wi-Fi antenna. If this doesn't work, try a third-party antenna with a longer cable and mount it in a different location (e.g high on a pole).
If the problem persists, contact the support team (see below).
Having trouble?
Phone the Datamars Smart Farming support team:
AU 1800 248 774
NZ 0800 248 722
US +1 (888) 431-0957 (toll free).
UK +44 20 4571 7717
IE and EU +353 (21) 242 8844Email sf-support@datamars.com
Ask us a question in the blue messaging tool on the bottom right hand side of your screen.