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Bluetooth pairing an XR3000 indicator with an Android smartphone

You may need a pin code when pairing an XR3000 Indicator through the Bluetooth settings on your Android smartphone

Updated over 4 months ago

📣 3000 indicators have been discontinued. For information and support materials, see XR3000, ID3000, JR3000 and DR3000 weigh scale indicators - Discontinued

When using the Data Link mobile app for Android smartphone to connect to an XR3000 indicator, tapping Connect in the app will connect straight away without requiring a PIN code.

However, if for some reason you need to pair to a Tru-Test device through the phone's Bluetooth settings, it may ask you to enter a PIN code.

The PIN code will be either one of the options below. Type it exactly as shown.

  • default

  • 0000

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