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Planning an installation session

You need to carefully plan how you will install active ear tags or active collar tags on animals.

Updated over a week ago

Before installing active collar tags or active ear tags on your animals, it is crucial that you prepare everything so that the process is as fast as possible. This will reduce the stress on animals.

Equipment required:

  • All of the active collar tags (pre-assembled) or active ear tags you require and the magnet supplied with them.

  • Mobile phone with Datamars Livestock app installed. The person using the phone needs to be logged in to an account with admin permissions.

  • Tru-Test XRS2i/XRS2 or SRS2i/SRS2 EID reader (if using).

Site requirements:

  • Animals must be secured in a head bail, lockup, treatment stall, rotary stall or yard race.

  • The mobile phone, active ear tags or active collar tags and EID reader (if using) must be within 5 m (5½ yards) of each other while you are working.

  • If multiple teams are working simultaneously, they must be working at least 40 m (43 yards) apart.

  • An internet connection is needed for the Datamars Livestock mobile app.

Watch the video to learn:

  • The importance of securing animals.

  • How many staff are required for the installation (2-4 people for active ear tags, and 2-3 people for active collar tags).

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