An animal should always have a unique ID within the herd so that the correct animal can be physically drafted (sorted).
To resolve duplicate IDs, we recommend:
removing the old VID tags from both animals, attaching new VID tags and updating both animal records in Datamars Livestock with the new VID details OR
editing both animal records in Datamars Livestock by adding a prefix or suffix e.g. 10-red tag or 10-friesian or a year of birth e.g. 10-2023.
To edit an animal record using the web app:
Click on My herd then Animals to view all animal records.
Click on an animal then edit the VID details as described above.
Watch the video to learn:
Why it is important for all animals to have unique IDs
How to fix up duplicate IDs and other errors using the Datamars Livestock web app.