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Sorting animals by ADG

You can sort animals by ADG to find the best and worst performing animals.

Updated over a week ago

Using WOW and Datamars Livestock, it is easy to sort animals by ADG to identify your best animals or your poor performers (ill-thrifty animals). For example, you may want to find animals that recover quickly after calving and have a high average daily gain (ADG) as these would be desirable animals to retain in the herd for breeding.

To sort animals by ADG:

  1. Click on a group.

  2. In the Group by ADG section, add weight figures for Below and Above to set the thresholds.

  3. Click on the segment you want to view then click on ADG to sort animals. e.g view animals with over 0.25 kg ADG and sort them to find the best performers.

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