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Viewing animals which are losing weight

Identifying animals which are losing weight allows you to intervene early which can result in increased profits.

Updated this week

Using WOW and Datamars Livestock, it is easy to identify animals which are losing weight. This offers an opportunity to intervene early to:

  • monitor and treat any health conditions

  • offer increased nutrition.

This can result better animal health and more animals being in the ideal weight band for sale, maximising profits.

To identify animals which are losing weight:

  1. Click on the group you want to examine.

  2. In the Group by ADG panel, select Losing/Gaining Weight.

  3. Click on the red segment to view a list of animals in the group with below 0 ADG (average daily weight gain).

  4. If desired, sort animals by the greatest ADG loss or click on an animal in the list to view more detail e.g you can view an animal's weight against the average weight for the group or the group's target weight.

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