Favourites are saved configurations on the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader (XRS2) to help you with repetitive or particular animal recording tasks. If you have multiple properties and are trying to record animals with the same information on different XRS2i's (or XRS2's), set up your own Favourite on one XRS2i/XRS2, and download it, then upload it onto other XRS2i's or XRS2's to standardise the data collection.
During the recent M.Bovis cattle outbreak in New Zealand, our team set up 150 XRS2's with the same Favourite setup to record animal age, sex, breed, location, Visual ID (VID), life time or birth ID (LID), Electronic ID (EID) and property identifier. This ensured all data was in the same format and could be imported into management software from data collected across multiple properties. This data was then given to government agencies who were tasked with tracking and eradicating M.Bovis on New Zealand farms.
What you need
A Windows computer with Data Link PC software loaded
An XRS2i/XRS2 to create the Favourite on
The supplied USB cable to connect the XRS2i/XRS2 to your computer
Other XRS2i's or XRS2's to upload the created Favourite onto
The video below shows you the process to create a new Favourite, use Data Link PC software to download it from the XRS2i/XRS2 and then add the new Favourite to another XRS2i/XRS2. See how to:
Check your data fields are turned on in the XRS2i/XRS2 Settings
Create a new Favourite setup to record animal breed, location, VID, LID, EID and property identifier (NAIT number in this example)
Start a session and select a Favourite
Download a Favourite using Data Link PC software onto your computer
Upload a Favourite onto another XRS2i/XRS2 using Data Link PC software
📝 In the video the XRS2 is used as the example. The accessories and set up is the same for the XRS2i.
📝 Before creating a Favourite, you must turn on all the data fields and settings you would like to have for the Favourite.
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Register on the Datamars Livestock Training Academy to see courses about the XRS2i/XRS2 EID stick reader.