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Uploading new or custom data

Any animal data can be imported as a new column or to update an existing column so long as it's in the right format.

Updated yesterday

Datamars Livestock Cloud software is designed to support any data you collect about your animals, whether this is on your indicator, or other data such as the price you paid or carcass weight information received from the processor.

File format

To import custom data, a file will need to be in a spreadsheet format, we recommend saving it as a CSV (comma delimited) file format, although some browsers also support importing files saved in the Excel (XLS, XLSX) formats.

Animal ID

The file will need a single row per animal, and must include an animal ID field in order to update it against the correct animal in Datamars Livestock, or to create a new animal.

The name of the ID column must exactly match the name of the column in Datamars Livestock.

For example if your ID column in Datamars Livestock is called EID, make sure the column in your spreadsheet is also called EID.

Adding and updating columns

Datamars Livestock uses column names to determine if it should create a new column, or update an existing one.

If you want to import new data into an existing column then ensure the column name is exactly the same in both your spreadsheet and Datamars Livestock.

Any new column names that don't exist in Datamars Livestock will be created when importing the spreadsheet. By default new columns will be created as Life Data, unless the column name matches a specific list of pre-determined Session Data fields.

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