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What to do when an animal is sold

Update the status of sold animals in Datamars Livestock in order to remove them from your groups

Updated yesterday

When animals with IDs are sold, sent to a meat processor, or returned to the owner, you should update their status in Datamars Livestock.

This will mean that:

  • The sold animals will be removed from the group reporting

  • When you view the individual animal's details, it will show as Sold

There are four methods for assigning animals as Sold:

  1. Uploading a session file containing only the animals which have been sold.

  2. Uploading a session file containing a number of animals, some of which have been sold.

  3. Finding an individual animal by searching for its ID.

  4. Finding a number of animals by creating a filter.

📝 You do not need to update the status of animals without IDs.

Method 1: Uploading a session file containing only the animals which have been sold

If you are only weighing animals which you are selling, or if you scan the EID tags of animals as they leave your farm, you can upload this session file to update the status of those animals in Datamars Livestock. If the session file contains other animals which are not being sold, see Method 2 below.

1. Start a new session file on your EID reader or indicator.

2. Scan or enter the IDs of the animals being sold.
3. Upload the session file to Datamars Livestock.

4. On the Actions screen, find the session file containing the sold animals, click on the drop-down arrow next to assign and select Mark as Sold.

5. Select All animals, then Update to mark all animals as sold.

Method 2: Uploading a session file containing a number of animals, some of which have been sold

If you are weighing animals and only selling some of the animals in the session file, you will need to include some data in the session file to indicate which animals have been sold and which ones should remain as current.

For example:

  • Use the Status field on your indicator or EID reader to identify selected animals as sold. (Note: You may need to create a custom field for this purpose if your device does not have a Status field). The status will be saved in the session file.

  • Use the indicator or EID reader to draft animals being sold in a different direction. The draft direction will be saved in the session file.

  • Use Datamars Livestock to identify animals above a certain weight.

When you upload this session file to Datamars Livestock you will be able to split it based on this field and update some of the animals to have a status of Sold.

1. Start a new session file on your EID reader or indicator.

2. Weigh animals, ensuring that the animals being sold have data which will allow them to be identified later.

3. Upload the session file to Datamars Livestock.

4. On the Actions screen, find the session file you just uploaded and click on the drop-down arrow next to assign. Select Mark as Sold.

5. Select Some animals and then the field you want to base the split on (e.g. Status, Draft, Weight) from the list.

6. Select the animals which you want to sell, or enter a number if selling based on weight. Click on Update.

Method 3: Finding an individual animal by searching for its ID

If you are only selling a few animals and you know the ID of the animals, you can find the animals in Datamars Livestock and update the status of those animals manually.

1. Search for the animal in the Animals, Session Animals, or Group Animals screen.

2. Click on the animal's ID.

You will be taken to the Animal Details screen.

3. Select Mark as Sold.

4. Repeat the above steps for each animal you want to mark as sold.

Method 4: Finding a number of animals by creating a filter

If you notice multiple animals in your group or list of animals which have previously sold but have not had their status updated in Datamars Livestock, you can create a filter to find just those animals, then update them all at once. For example, you might create a filter to find animals which have not been seen recently, then mark them as sold.

1. On the Animals, Group Animals or Session Animals screen, create a filter which will return a list of the animals you want to update.

2. Select Update Status and click Mark as sold to mark all animals in the list as sold.

3. Click on Update.

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