Anestrous animals have not had a heat after calving. Identifying them before starting breeding helps you intervene early to get them cycling. This can improve submission and in-calf rates.
Animals are detected as Anestrous (Early) 35 days after calving with no heat and are Anestrous (At Risk) 50 days after calving with no heat.
If an animal is scanned empty or has an abortion recorded, we also look for and alert Anestrous issues.
An anestrous event ends if:
A heat is identified
An insemination is recorded
A cow is scanned in-calf or,
A calving happens
An active ear tag or active collar must be fitted for a minimum of 24 days before a notification for an anestrous animal will be received.
Irregular heats
An animal with Irregular heats has 3 or more heats in 30 days. This can often indicate a reproductive issue, such as cystic ovaries.
If an animal has Irregular heats, we recommend you check her activity graph to ensure you are happy the heat is valid before breeding.
An irregular heats event ends if:
Heat cycle returns to normal, or
A calving happens
An active ear tag or active collar must be fitted for around 25-30 days before a notification for irregular heats will be received.
Pregnancy loss
An animal will be identified as having had a pregnancy loss if she has a heat 45 days or more after an insemination or a positive pregnancy scan has been recorded. Identifying animals which have had a pregnancy loss:
offers an opportunity to get the animal in-calf again, if the pregnancy loss is early and the animal is still within the breeding season OR
helps with decision-making when considering culling animals from the herd. This would typically be if the pregnancy loss occurs late in lactation.
A pregnancy loss event ends if:
the animal is inseminated again
the animal is pregnancy scanned and found to be in-calf
the animal is calving
30 days have elapsed without another heat being detected
An active ear tag or active collar must be fitted for a minimum of 45 days before a notification for a pregnancy loss will be received.