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All CollectionsElectric fenceConnected energizersConfiguring connected energizers
Turning notifications on/off for a particular energizer
Turning notifications on/off for a particular energizer

You can switch notifications on or off for a particular energizer.

Updated this week

📝 You must have admin permissions to perform this procedure.
📝 The connected energizer must be registered in Datamars Livestock before you can perform this procedure.

When you first add an energizer to your farm in Datamars Livestock, notifications are switched ON, by default. However, you may want to switch notifications OFF for a particular energizer, if you are receiving too many alert warnings.

📝 Only users with notifications set up for their Datamars Livestock account will receive notifications.

To turn notifications on/off for a particular energizer using the mobile app:

  1. In the Home screen, scroll down and tap in the Energizer panel.
    All energizers registered to the farm will be displayed.

  2. Tap on the energizer you want to change.

  3. Tap on Settings.

  4. Turn Notifications On or Off, as required.

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