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Changing an identification field on a 5000 indicator

Change a visual or electronic ID field on a 5000 indicator

Updated yesterday

Whether you are changing an animal identification tag to a new electronic ID (EID) or visual ID (VID) you can perform this in a few easy steps directly on your Tru-Test 5000 series indicator without the hassle of using your computer.

An animal's ID can be changed during a weigh session when you have the animal in the yards or after weighing when you have time to perform the task.

During a weighing session

  1. Power on the 5000 indicator.

  2. Select New Session and follow through to Start Session.

  3. Scan or type the animal's ID number into the corresponding field. Once it appears select Change tag on the left-hand side menu.

  4. Select which tag option you would like to change from the list.

  5. Scan or type the new identification tag into the required field and press Finish. Note: If the identification tag has already been used on the 5000 indicator previously, it will come up with an error explaining that it is already in use with another animal.

After a weigh session

If you aren't able to change the animal identification tag in the yards when recording, you can still perform the change tag function later on.

1. Power on the 5000 indicator.

2. Select View Animals on the Home screen of the 5000 indicator.

3. Select All Animals to view a list of all the animals.

4. Use the search bar at the top to bring up the animal that you would like to change the identification tag of. Highlight any of the ID fields (VID, EID or LID) and press enter to bring up the option to Change tag. This will prompt you to write in the new tag details.

5. Press Finish once completed and the animal identification tag will update.

Note: If the identification tag has already been used on the 5000 indicator previously, it will come up with an error explaining that it is already in use with another animal.

For both change tag methods, it will create an animal note explaining the change.

E.g. VID 526 has changed to 526/18. This allows the change to be correctly updated when the session file is uploaded to Datamars Livestock Cloud Software.

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